Reman Sadani
📍️ Jerwood Gallery, Borough

Jerwood/FVU Awards 2020: Hindsight. 


Reman Sadani ‘Walkout 1’

We had the absolute pleasure of watching Reman Sadani’s piece ‘Walkout 1’ IRL! It is a mesmeric film. Powerful, meditative and enchanting, it forces the viewer to introspect and question social relationships.
The film is situated in an unnamed city following a mysterious weather event causing a cloud of sand to enshroud the surroundings.

A group of young people try and clear the sand from the sky, waving nets above them. An elder figure emerges and advises them to build sand dunes so that they can reach the sky. We long for them to find a solution as we slowly witness the young people lose hope and act in discordance from the elder’s vision.

Inspired by the military phrase ’to throw sand in the eyes’, the use of sand particles marks an act of deception and fear. The onus is on the youth, a generation stuck in confusion, embedded with a sense of duty to fix a happening out of their control.

The video is deeply resonant with the time; of the need for all people to unite and find a resolution to a common struggle.

This visually stunning work, full of rhythmic chanting and hypnotic movement, draws the viewer unerringly in to a dystopian realm.

✨The show opens tomorrow so book book book your time slots!!!✨

Geo Merchant

Cargo Collective

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